Walking in my town


New comers and students preparing for univ. entrance exam - Four advantages of universities in Kansai region-(English ver.)


This article is written based on my diary in Japanese on April 7 2018.


 In April, firstly I 'd like to tell all new university students the word "Congratulations on entering your universities !" As having often written the articles about universities in Kanasai region on this blog, I show the above title and want to address the information that is useful for not only them but also students considering going universities in our region.


【 Four advantages of universities in Kansai region】


Three distinctive cities in Kansai

  First, giving population ratio in Japan, one-quarter of Japanese populations gather in Tokyo and neighbor cities. So the area is wider than Kansai region. When I graduated from a university in Kansai and came to Tokyo to work I thought Yamanote line was as large as Osaka Loop line. But it was actually so larger than what I predicted that I missed to arrive at a company on time. If you have the sense of lives in Kansai, It may be hard for you to go anywhere in the capital area.


 On the other hand, there are three distinctive cities in Kansai district which is smaller than the capital one. Of course, our area does not have as many large cities as the former one. But each city, Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe has populations over one million and complete many shops and restaurants where young people can enjoy eating and shopping. They have so different cultures each other that it enables you to choose the destination in your mood.


  If you want to enjoy Japanese traditional culture, Kyoto is nice. If you like Western culture, Kobe is good. If you want to experience folksy atmosphere, Osaka is great.


  Also each culture reflects on universities located in Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe. So I believe that universities in Kansai have their own colors.


Easy to visit Japanese old shrines and temples

 If young people live in the disrict except Kansai region, more students may be attracted universities in Kyoto because they like Japanese traditional culture. But as I mentioned, the three cities gather in smaller area than Tokyo and neighbor cities. So you can easily visit Kyoto from even Osaka and Kobe.

 Of course when you are considering getting into Japanese old history, I recommend that you live and go to universities in Kyoto. But you want to be visitors of shrines and temples there few times every month, living in Osaka and Kobe is also good.


 Furthermore not only Kyoto but also Nara which is located next to Kyoto has many famed shrines and temples. So I'd like to emphasize that going universities in Kansai region is the best choice for students who are interested Japanese old history.

You do not need to behave like a grown-up

 When I came to Tokyo, my first impression was that young people graduated from universities in the major city appeared to be adult. Probably, they may have much more knowledge through busy student lives and job-seeking activities than us in Kansai and looked more mature because the city is so massive that a huge amount of information is there.

 Furthermore I feel that the female univ.students there with fashionable clothes and makeup are really sophisticated. Every time when I came back to my hometown and saw girls taking on local trains, their appearances seemed to be simple and too casual.

 However, you know "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." I believe that you could naturally aquire manners and the common sense among office workers and even people from countysides become sophisticated since you live and work in the capital district.

 So you do not need to make an effort to be an adult earlier. You would enjoy your student lives here when you get used to Kansai-life because students around you also have similar looks. You feel easy and do not need to spend much money on the latest fashion. Some women's universities in Kansai are called as preppy schools but I think only a part of those have luxury clothes and bags.

 More universities in Kansai region have larger campuses than what Tokyo has.

 Due to high population density of central Tokyo, some universities there have no choice but to construct high-rise buildings and those are also located next to busy streets instead of having large campuses 

 Compared to their conditions, more universities in Kansai region have larger campuses than what Tokyo has. So you can relax in the campuses.


 In addtion the above advantages, I note that you can naturally aquire Kansai dialect  when you live in Kansai for four years. Is that an advantage to you?